Entries by Handyman On Call

What is polymer concrete?

Polymer concrete is not traditional concrete, although they have some materials in common. It is used for construction projects like traditional, but the polymer components give several features that make it more secure and durable than ordinary concrete. The polymer tends to be more expensive and more denser than traditional concrete. Definition Polymer concrete is […]

The advantages of a hipped roof

Hipped roofs have surfaces that descend to the four sides of a house. Typically, the design incorporates a peak on top of the roof, where all four sides, two rectangular and two triangular meet. Hipped roofs have certain advantages over other types of roofs, although they are usually more expensive. Fortress A hipped roof has […]

Special mortars for repairing chimneys

Chimneys are often an appreciated feature, so it’s not surprising that damaged or deteriorated mortar or bricks receive prompt attention and need careful repair. Use a special type of mortar for repairs in the combustion chamber, elsewhere you can use standard mortar, but for your repairs to be better, use additives. Refractory mortar For the […]

How to plan the maintenance of a building

Developing a plan for maintenance of a building requires a solid program for cleaning and repairs. Investing in building maintenance, as this influences the tenant satisfaction and the market value of the property. Making a maintenance plan helps ensure that the experience of living or doing business in the particular building is good. Neglecting maintenance […]

Building a roof for a patio

A patio is an excellent addition to any home, allowing more space for entertainment, relaxation or play. Being an outdoor space, the elements of the outdoors can play an important role in relation to what you can do in the yard. There are several options for patio coverings when the elements of the outdoors are […]

Possible ways to fix a faulty chimney

When a fireplace is not ventilating properly and the smoke is pushed into a room, this is hazardous to your health. Considering the great enjoyment (not to mention the resale value) of the fireplace in your home, it’s good to know you can choose effective solutions; the cost can range from $0 to about $3,000, […]

Creating a rustic bathroom

The principles to create a rustic bathroom are very simple: Everything needs to be old or look old. In this new era of glitter and glow, there is definitely a desire to return to the days where things were simpler and better. You can create a rustic bathroom that will take you to the simplicity […]

How to clean heating ducts

Heating and air conditioning are taken to each room of a house moving through a network of ducts that are connected to vents. The ducts are often built with aluminum tubes or rectangular poles located throughout the house. The double-wide homes are installed with two parallel tubes that are connected by a central segment, giving […]

How to build a hipped roof

A hip beam extends diagonally downward from the crest of the top of the roof at the corner of a building (the top of the plate is a horizontal 2”x4” or 2”x6” joining the upper ends of the studs). Neither plan view (looking down from above) nor elevation view (looking at the building’s outer wall) […]

Deep cleaning your carpet

Cleaning your carpets can allow your carpet to look new again. For wall to wall carpeting, we recommend washing them with shampoo instead of spot cleaning. Cleaning machines spray a hot solution of detergent and draw out dirt while cleaning the carpet. Here are a few steps to get your carpet looking like new. Instructions […]